
Trend Micro no longer provides updates for the Full Disk Encryption agent to support new hardware after May 2021. For more information, see




Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz processor or equivalent


1 GB

Disk space

  • 30 GB

  • 20% free disk space

  • 256 MB contiguous free space

Network connectivity

Communication with PolicyServer required for managed agents

Operating system

  • Windows™ Embedded POSReady 7 (32-bit/64-bit)

  • Windows™ 10 (32-bit/64-bit)

  • Windows™ 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit)

  • Windows™ 8 (32-bit/64-bit)

  • Windows™ 7 (32-bit/64-bit)

  • Older builds of Windows 10 installed on endpoints where UEFI is enabled may encounter issues if secure boot is turned on. To prevent this issue, install all service packs, hotfixes and security patches for Windows 10 before proceeding with the installation.

  • The Full Disk Encryption and File Encryption agents do not support Windows 11 (and later versions). For more information, see

Firmware interface

  • BIOS: all supported operating systems

  • UEFI: all supported operating systems

Other software

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1(Windows 7 and later operating systems)


Full Disk Encryption is not compatible with other versions of the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Hard disk

Full Disk Encryption uses software-based encryption for all standard drives (drives without self-encryption).

Full Disk Encryption uses hardware-based encryption for the following self-encrypting drives (SEDs):

  • Seagate OPAL and OPAL 2 drives

  • SanDisk self-encrypting (OPAL2) solid-state drives

  • Toshiba self-encrypting (OPAL2) solid-state drives (SATA and NVMe)

  • Intel self-encrypting (OPAL2) solid-state drives (SATA and NVMe)

Full Disk Encryption has the following limitations:

  • Full Disk Encryption does not support RAID and SCSI drives.

  • Full Disk Encryption does not support eDrive drives for Windows 8 or later environments.

Hard disk controllers

  • Software encryption: ATA, AHCI, or IRRT hard disk controller

  • Hardware encryption: AHCI hard disk controller