
Command Line Helper enables encrypted values to pass via the installation script to the Full Disk Encryption preboot and installer. You can manually use Command Line Helper to generate encrypted values of strings for installation scripts or patch management.

  1. Download the Command Line Helper tool and locate the tool in your Endpoint Encryption download folder.

    The Command Line Helper tool is part of the PolicyServer installation package. Go to Trend Micro Download Center, select the Endpoint Encryption, and download the PolicyServer package.

    The Command Line Helper tool is located in the following directory:

    <download_directory>\TMEE_PolicyServer\Tools\Command Line Helper

  2. Open a command prompt.
  3. Change the directory to the directory of the Command Line Helper tool.


    cd C:\TMEE_PolicyServer\Tools\Command Line Helper

  4. Type CommandLineHelper.exe followed by the string that you want to encrypt, and press ENTER.


    CommandLineHelper.exe examplepassword


    It may be easier to copy the generated value directly from a text file.

    In that case, the above example would be modified as follows:

    CommandLineHelper.exe examplepassword > file.txt

    The Command Line Helper produces an encrypted string.