- Go to . The Events tab displays by default.
- Click Web EUQ Digest.
- Select the check box next to Enable EUQ Digest.
- Under Digest Schedule, click the radio button next
to one of the following frequencies:
Periodic: Select the time point to send EUQ digests periodically every day from the drop-down box. Click Add to add more entries.
If specifying multiple time entries, make sure you retain an interval of at least three hours. In addition, a maximum of six time entries is allowed. -
Daily: Select the time to send EUQ digests every day from the drop-down boxes.
Weekly: Select the day and time to send EUQ digests every week from the drop-down boxes.
- Under Digest Mail Template, specify the subject and
notification content. To see a list of variables to include in the notification, click Variables list.
- Select Enable inline action to allow users to apply actions from the EUQ digest.
- Click Save.