An AV Server receives a scan request when a user tries to access a file on the Celerra File Server. The AV Server then
scans the file using the ServerProtect Real-time Scan function. To protect both the Celerra File Server system and the AV Server, the
default setting for the ServerProtect
Real-time Scan function is incoming and outgoing.
Trend Micro strongly recommends not changing this setting. For more information about
Scans, refer to Using Real-Time Scan. If
the file is infected, the AV Server performs one of the following actions, depending
on the
previous configuration:
Bypass: Skips over the file without taking any corrective action in a Real-time Scan (see the Warning that follows these action descriptions).
Delete: Deletes the infected file.
Rename: Changes the name of the infected file by modifying the file extension to ".VIR".
Clean: Attempts to clean the virus code from the file.
Quarantine: Moves the infected file to a designated folder.
WARNINGTrend Micro recommends using only the Clean,
Delete, and Quarantine actions, rather than using
the Bypass action. If a file is infected and the virus action is set to
Bypass, the file will remain infected after entering the Celerra File Server system.