IntelliScan is a new method of identifying which files to scan that is both more secure, and more efficient, than the standard "Scan All files" option.
For executable files (that is, .zip, .exe), the true file type is determined from the file content. In the event that a file is not executable (such as .txt), IntelliScan will use the file header to verify the true file type. See Scanning Viruses.
The following are just a couple of the benefits IntelliScan offers to administrators:
  • Performance optimization: Server system resources allotted to scan will be minimal, thus using IntelliScan will not interfere with other crucial applications running on the server.
  • Time saving: Because IntelliScan uses true file type identification, IntelliScan scan time is significantly less than that of all files scan (this means that only files with a greater risk of being infected are scanned). This time difference is noticeable when you use IntelliScan with Scan Now. See Configuring Scan Now.