Outbreak Prevention Services (OPS) are Trend Micro services that you can take advantage of when using Apex Central / Control Manager. OPS enables enterprises to take proactive steps against new virus/malware threats before the necessary virus pattern files are available. By bridging the gap between threat notification and virus pattern delivery, enterprises can quickly contain virus/malware outbreaks, minimize system damage, and prevent undue downtime.
When registered to Apex Central / Control Manager, ServerProtect can take advantage of OPS for file blocking.
OPS is a key component of the Trend Micro Enterprise Protection Strategy (EPS), the culmination of a research initiative that identified best practices for preventing or deflecting potentially damaging virus attacks. This study was brought on by the apparent failure of conventional security measures to defend against new generation threats, such as CodeRed and Nimda.
Trend Micro created OPS to address concerns at each stage of the outbreak life cycle. OPS harnesses the three core strengths of Trend Micro:
  • Enterprise-class antivirus and content security products
  • TrendLabs, the Trend Micro ISO-certified virus research and technical support center
  • Partnerships with best-of-breed network security vendors
...and brings them together in a single powerful interface: Apex Central / Control Manager.
With OPS, Apex Central / Control Manager provides answers to the following key security questions:
  • Am I under attack?
  • Can my system handle the attack?
  • How should I respond to the attack?
For additional information on the Enterprise Protection Strategy, visit the Trend Micro Web site at