You can install ServerProtect using Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) onto a Windows Server platform.
You must install the Microsoft SMS software on your Windows Server computer before using it to deploy any client software.
The deployment procedures listed as follows illustrate how to deploy ServerProtect through Microsoft SMS.


  1. Open the Microsoft SMS Administrator.
  2. Click Packages on the SMS Administrator’s icon bar.
  3. Click ActionNewPackage From Definition on the main menu. The Welcome to the Create Package from Definition Wizard window appears.
    Create Package from Definition Wizard window
  4. Click Next. The Package Definition window appears.
    File Browser window
  5. Click Browse to locate the package description file (PDF) for installing ServerProtect. Select the PDF file and click Open.
    The default directory for ServerProtect software:
    <drive>:\program files\Trend\SProtect\SMS\
    The description of the PDF file will be displayed as 'ServerProtect' in the Package Definition window.
    Package Definition window
  6. Click Next. The Source Files window appears.
    Source Files window
  7. Select the Always obtain files from a source directory option and click Next. The Source Directory window appears.
    Source Directory window
  8. Select the Local drive on site server option.
  9. Click Browse to locate the directory where the package description file (PDF) for installing ServerProtect is. Select the directory and click Next. The Completing the Create Package from Definition Wizard window appears.
    Completing the Create Package from Definition Wizard window
  10. Click Finish to create the package.
  11. To select the servers/workstations, from where you want to install the software, browse to PackagesServerProtectDistribution Points in the SMS Administrator’s explorer tree.
    SMS Administrator window
  12. Right-click Distribution Points and select NewDistribution Points. The Copy Package window appears.
    Copy Package window
  13. Select the distribution point and click Finish to copy the package to the distribution point.
  14. To install ServerProtect in multiple servers/workstations, right-click Advertisements in the SMS Administrator’s explorer tree.
  15. Select NewAdvertisement. The Advertisement Properties window appears.
    Advertisement Properties window
  16. Under General do the following:
    1. In the Name text box, type an appropriate advertisement name.
    2. In the Package list, select the package you want to deploy.
    3. In the Program list, select the program you want to deploy.
    4. Click Browse to locate and select the Collection of servers/workstations, where you want to deploy the program.
  17. Click OK to deploy the program in the servers and workstations collection.