
Use tags and filters based on your network and management requirements. Trend Micro suggests that you consider the following when using tags and filters:

  • Group users based on your Active Directory organization

  • Group endpoints based on their location

  • Group users or endpoints with similar properties or characteristics

    For example:

    • Group users based on direct supervisor associations

    • Group endpoints using the same operating system

  • Any Apex Central user account that has permission to create or modify custom tags, filters, or important labels in the User/Endpoint Directory can view or modify custom tags, filters, or important labels created by all other user accounts.

  • Editing a tag, filter, or importance label on the User/Endpoint Directory screen also modifies the corresponding tag, filter, or importance label used by log queries and reports. For example, if the an endpoint is removed from a custom filter on the User/Endpoint Directory screen, then log queries and generated reports that use the filter will exclude data from the removed endpoint.

  • Apex Central automatically assigns importance to "Domain Admins" (users) and "Domain Controllers" (endpoints) after Active Directory synchronization.

    • The current version of Apex Central only supports one important "Domain Admin" and one important "Domain Controller" for each integrated Active Directory domain. Individual user accounts can no longer assign separate "important" tags for the same "Domain Admins" and "Domain Controllers".

    • If you have preexisting "important" tags for "Domain Admins" and "Domain Controllers" created by separate user accounts on a previous version of Apex Central, the preexisting "Domain Admins" and "Domain Controllers" will be deleted and replaced with one important "Domain Admin" and one important "Domain Controller" for each integrated Active Directory domain.
