
Provides specific information about the spyware/grayware detections on your network, such as the managed product that detected the spyware/grayware, the name of the spyware/grayware, and the name of the infected endpoint

Table 1. Detailed Spyware/Grayware Information Data View




The date and time Apex Central received the data from the managed product


The date and time the managed product generated the data

Product Entity/Endpoint

Depending on the related source:

  • The display name of the managed product server in Apex Central

  • The name or IP address of the endpoint


The name of the managed product or service

Example: Apex One, ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange

Product/Endpoint IP

Depending on the related source:

  • The IP address of the managed product server

  • The IP address of the endpoint

Product/Endpoint MAC

Depending on the related source:

  • The MAC address of the managed product server

  • The MAC address of the Security Agent endpoint

Managing Server Entity

The display name of the managed product server in Apex Central to which the endpoint reports


The name of the security threat


The name or IP address of the endpoint

Source Host

The IP address or name of the endpoint from which the security threat originated


The logged on user name at the time of the event


The result of the action taken by the managed product

Example: successful, further action required


The action taken by the managed product

Example: File cleaned, File quarantined, File deleted


The total number of detections

Example: Apex One detects 10 spyware/grayware instances of the same spyware/grayware on one computer.

Detections = 10

Entry Type

The entry point of the security threat

Detailed Information

A link that displays additional information about the specific detection

Endpoint Infection Channel

The channel that the threat originated from

Apex One Domain Hierarchy

The agent tree domain or subdomain to which the Security Agent belongs


The domain of the managed product server to which the endpoint reports

Operating System

The operating system on the endpoint

Cloud Service Vendor

The name of the cloud service vendor