
The Server Registration screen (Administration > Managed Servers > Server Registration) allows you to register, configure, or unregister managed products that register to Apex Central using the Apex Central management console.

For more information about products that register to Apex Central using the managed product web console, see Connected Threat Defense Product Integration.

Use the Server Registration screen to perform the following tasks.



Add managed servers

Click Add to register managed products to the Apex Central server.

For more information, see Adding a Managed Server.


If the Add icon is disabled, the managed product registers to Apex Central using the managed product console.

Edit managed server settings

Click the Edit icon in the Actions column to modify configuration settings for a managed server.

For more information, see Editing a Managed Server.

Delete managed servers

Click Delete icon in the Actions column to unregister a managed server from the Apex Central server.

For more information, see Deleting a Managed Server.

Configure proxy settings

Click Proxy Settings to configure proxy settings for managed products

For more information, see Configuring Proxy Settings for Managed Products.

Configure cloud service settings

Click Cloud Service Settings to register, edit, or unregister cloud services

For more information, see Configuring Cloud Service Settings.

Organize managed servers in the Product Directory structure

Click Directory Management to group or move managed products to new locations in the Product Directory structure

For more information, see Managing the Product Directory.

Single sign-on to managed product consoles

Click the link in the Server column to single sign-on to the managed product console.


You can also single sign-on to managed product consoles from the Product Directory screen.

For more information, see Product Directory.


For more information about the details that display on the Server Registration screen, see Managed Server Details.