
Provides a summary of web violation detections over a period of time (daily, weekly, monthly). Example: time and date of when summary data was collected, number of endpoints in violation, the total number of web violations on the network

Table 1. Web Violation Detection Over Time Summary Data View




Displays the time that the summary of the data occurs.

Unique Policies

Displays the number of the policies in violation.

Example: A managed product detects 10 policy violation instances of the same policy on 2 computers.

Unique Policies = 1

Unique Endpoints

Displays the number of unique endpoints in violation of the specified policy.

Example: A managed product detects 10 violation instances of the same URL on 4 computers.

Unique Endpoints = 4

Unique URLs

Displays the number of unique URLs in violation of the specified policy.

Example: A managed product detects 10 violation instances of the same URL on one computer.

Unique URLs = 1


Displays the total number of web violations managed products detect.

Example: A managed product detects 10 violation instances of the same URL on one computer.

Detections = 10