
For details about Scan Exclusion Lists, see Scan Exclusions.

  1. Navigate to Agent Management.
  2. In the agent tree, click the root icon () to include all Security Agents or select specific groups or Security Agents.
  3. Click Settings > Scan Exclusion Settings.
  4. Select the check box to enable scan exclusion.
  5. To configure the Scan Exclusion List (Files):
    1. Type a full file path or directory path and click Add.


      • It is not possible to type only a file name.

      • You can specify a maximum of 64 paths. See the following table for examples.




        Full file path

        Excludes a specific file on the endpoint

        • Example 1:


        • Example 2:


        Directory path

        Excludes all files located on a specific folder and all its subfolders

        • Example 1:


          Examples of files excluded from scans:

          • /System/file.log

          • /System/Library/file.log

          Examples of files that will be scanned:

          • /Applications/file.log

        • Example 2:


          Examples of files excluded from scans:

          • /System/Library/file.log

          • /System/Library/Filters/file.log

          Examples of files that will be scanned:

          • /System/file.log

      • Use the asterisk wildcard (*) in place of folder names.

        See the following table for examples.


        Wildcard Usage Examples

        Full file path


        Examples of files excluded from scans:

        • /Users/Mac/Desktop/file.log

        • /Users/Mac/Movies/file.log

        Examples of files that will be scanned:

        • /Users/file.log

        • /Users/Mac/file.log

        Directory path

        • Example 1:


          Examples of files excluded from scans:

          • /Users/Mac/doc.html

          • /Users/Mac/Documents/doc.html

          • /Users/Mac/Documents/Pics/pic.jpg

          Examples of files that will be scanned:

          • /Users/doc.html

        • Example 2:


          Examples of files excluded from scans:

          • /Users/Components/file.log

          • /System/Components/file.log

          Examples of files that will be scanned:

          • /file.log

          • /Users/file.log

          • /System/Files/file.log

      • Partial matching of folder names is not supported. For example, it is not possible to type /Users/*user/temp to exclude files on folder names ending in "user", such as "end_user" or "new_user".

    2. To delete a path, select it and click Remove.
  6. To configure the Scan Exclusion List (File Extensions):
    1. Type a file extension without a period (.) and click Add. For example, type pdf. You can specify a maximum of 64 file extensions.
    2. To delete a file extension, select it and click Remove.
  7. If you selected one or more groups or Security Agents on the agent tree, click Save to apply settings to the groups or Security Agents. If you selected the root icon (), choose from the following options:
    • Apply to All Agents: Applies settings to all existing Security Agents and to any new Security Agent added to an existing/future group. Future groups are groups not yet created at the time you configure the settings.

    • Apply to Future Groups Only: Applies settings only to Security Agents added to future groups. This option will not apply settings to new Security Agents added to an existing group.