- On the Apex One server computer, browse to <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\TCacheGen.
Choose a version of the VDI Pre-Scan
Template Generation Tool. The following versions are available:
Table 1. VDI Pre-Scan Template Generation Tool Versions File Name
Choose this file if you want to run the tool directly on a 32-bit platform.
Choose this file if you want to run the tool directly on a 64-bit platform.
Choose this file if you want to run the tool from the command line interface of a 32-bit platform.
Choose this file if you want to run the tool from the command line interface of a 64-bit platform.
- Copy the version of the tool that you chose in the previous step to the endpoint.
Run the tool.
To run the tool directly:
Double-click TCacheGen.exe or TCacheGen_x64.exe.
Select Generate Pre-Scan Template and click Next.
To run the tool from the command line interface:
Open a command prompt and change the directory to <Agent installation folder>.
Type the following command:
TCacheGenCli Generate_Template
TcacheGenCli_x64 Generate_Template
The tool scans the image for security threats before generating the pre-scan template and removing the GUID.
After generating the pre-scan template, the tool unloads the Security Agent. Do not reload the Security Agent. If the Security Agent reloads, you will need to create the pre-scan template again.