- Download Trend Micro Performance Tuning Tool from:
- Unzip TMPerfTool.zip to extract TMPerfTool.exe.
- Place TMPerfTool.exe in the <Agent installation folder> or in the same folder as TMBMCLI.dll.
- Right-click TMPerfTool.exe and select Run as administrator.
- Read and accept the end user agreement and then click OK.
- Click Analyze.
The tool starts to monitor CPU usage and event loading. A system-intensive process is highlighted in red.
- Select a system-intensive process and click the Add
to the exception list (allow) button (
- Check if the system or application performance improves.
- If the performance improves, select the process again
and click the Remove from the exception list button
- If the performance drops again, perform the following
- Note the name of the application.
- Click Stop.
- Click the Generate report button
) and then save the .xml file.
- Review the applications that have been identified
as conflicting and add them to the Behavior Monitoring exception
For details, see Behavior Monitoring Exception List.
Parent topic: Security Agent Services