CertificateManager.exe -c [Backup_Password]
CertificateManager.exe -c strongpassword
Generates a new Trend Micro certificate and replaces the existing certificate
Do this if the existing certificate has expired or if it has been leaked to unauthorized parties.
CertificateManager.exe -r [Password] [Certificate path]
The certificate is in ZIP format.
CertificateManager.exe -r strongpassword D:\Test\TrendMicro.zip
Restores all Trend Micro certificates on the server and sets the certificate properties as exportable
Do this to restore the certificate on a reinstalled Apex One server.
CertificateManager.exe -re [Password] [Certificate path]
The certificate is in ZIP format.
CertificateManager.exe -re strongpassword D:\Test\TrendMicro.zip
Restores all Trend Micro certificates on the server and sets the certificate properties as not exportable
Do this to restore the certificate on a reinstalled Apex One server.
CertificateManager.exe -e [Certificate path]
CertificateManager.exe -e <Agent_installation_folder>\OfcNTCer.dat
Exports the Security Agent public key associated with the currently used certificate
Do this if the public key used by endpoints becomes corrupted. Copy the .dat file to the endpoint’s root folder, overwriting the existing file.
The file path of the certificate on the Security Agent must be:
CertificateManager.exe -ine [Password] [Certificate path]
The default file name of the certificate is:
CertificateManager.exe -ine strongpassword D:\Test\OfcNTCer.pfx
Imports a Trend Micro certificate to the certificate store
The 'ine' command imports a certificate and automatically sets the certificate properties to not exportable.
CertificateManager.exe -l [CSV Path]
CertificateManager.exe -l D:\Test\MismatchedAgentList.csv
Lists endpoints (in CSV format) currently using a mismatched certificate