
The query result appears under the Security Status section. An unmanaged endpoint will have one of the following statuses:

  • Managed by another Apex One server

  • No Security Agent installed

  • Unreachable

  • Unresolved Active Directory assessment

  1. In the Security Status section, click a number link to display all affected computers.
  2. Use the search and advanced search functions to search and display only the computers that meet the search criteria.

    If you use the advanced search function, specify the following items:

    • IPv4 address range

    • IPv6 prefix and length (prefix should be between 112 and 128)

    • Endpoint name

    • Apex One server name

    • Active Directory tree

    • Security status

    Apex One will not return a result if the name is incomplete. Use the wildcard character (*) if unsure of the complete name.

  3. To save the list of computers to a file, click Export.
  4. For Security Agents managed by another Apex One server, use the Agent Mover tool to have these Security Agents managed by the current Apex One server. For more information about this tool, see Agent Mover.