
AutoPcc.exe is a standalone program that installs the Security Agent to unprotected endpoints and updates program files and components. Endpoints must be part of the domain to be able to use AutoPcc using a Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) path.

Go to Agents > Agent Installation > UNC-based.
  • To install the Security Agent to an unprotected endpoint using AutoPcc.exe:

    1. Connect to the server computer. Go to the UNC path:

      \\<server computer name>\ofcscan

    2. Right-click AutoPcc.exe and select Run as administrator.

  • For remote desktop installations using AutoPcc.exe:

    1. Open a Remote Desktop Connection (Mstsc.exe) in console mode. This forces the AutoPcc.exe installation to run in session 0.

    2. Go to the \\<server computer name>\ofcscan directory and execute AutoPcc.exe.