  1. Open the Apex One web console and click Plug-ins in the main menu.
  2. On the Plug-in Manager screen, go to the plug-in program section and click Download.

    The size of the upgrade package displays beside the Download button.

    Monitor the progress or navigate away from the screen during the download.


    If Apex One encounters problems downloading or installing the package, check the server update logs on the Apex One web console. On the main menu, click Logs > Server Updates.

  3. After Plug-in Manager downloads the package, a new screen displays.
  4. Click Upgrade Now or Upgrade Later.
    • After clicking Upgrade Now, the upgrade begins and an upgrade progress screen appears.

    • After clicking Upgrade Later, the Plug-in Manager screen appears.

      Upgrade the plug-in program by clicking the Upgrade button located in the plug-in program's section on the Plug-in Manager screen.

After the upgrade, the Plug-in Manager service may need to restart, causing the Plug-in Manager screen to be temporarily unavailable. When the screen becomes available, the current plug-in program version displays.