Senders can be manually added to the list on the Approved Senders or Blocked Senders screen, or automatically added using the Deliver & Approve Sender or Delete & Block Sender button on the Quarantine screen.
To manually add senders to the list, follow these steps:


  1. Access the End User Console.
  2. Go to QuarantineApproved Senders or QuarantineBlocked Senders.
  3. Optionally, specify a Managed Account at the top of the screen.
    Selecting the Managed Account of All managed accounts includes all managed accounts and your primary account.
  4. Click Add.
  5. In the Add Approved Sender dialog box, type a sender in the Sender field. A sender can be a specific email address or all addresses from a specific domain or subdomain.
    • Filter a specific email address by typing that email address.
    • Filter all addresses from a domain by using an asterisk (*) to the left of the at sign (@) in the email address. For example, * will filter all email addresses in the domain.
    • Filter all addresses from a subdomain by using an asterisk (*) to the left of the at sign (@) and also using an asterisk (*) in place of the subdomain in the email address. For example, *@* will filter all email addresses in all subdomains of the domain.
    The following table displays format examples that are valid or not valid:

    Format Examples for Approved Senders

    Not Valid
  6. Do either of the following to complete adding the sender:
    • Click Add.
    • Click Preview, and click Add after you confirm all the entries to be added.
      If you selected All managed accounts in step 3, the button label in the Add Approved Sender dialog box is Preview.
      Trend Micro Email Security checks all the entries to identify any invalid, duplicate, conflict, and excessive email addresses.
    The address or domain you typed is validated and appears in the list.