The API Key is included in the authorization header of your request. Make sure you have obtained your API Key from the Trend Micro Email Security administrator console before creating your request.


  1. Log on to the Trend Micro Email Security administrator console.
  2. Go to AdministrationService Integration.
    The API Access tab displays by default.
  3. Click Add to generate an API Key.
    The API Key is the global unique identifier for your application to authenticate its access to Trend Micro Email Security.
  4. Copy the API Key value and save the value. Keep the API Key private.
    If you want to change your API Key later on, click Add to generate a new key and use the new key in your requests. You can click the toggle button under Status to disable the old key or delete it if both of the following conditions are met:
    • Requests can be sent successfully with the new key.
    • The old key is not used by any other applications that have access to Trend Micro Email Security.
    A maximum of two API Keys are allowed at a time.