
After plugging in the Scanning Tool, you must select the operating mode and Activate the device before you can begin scanning endpoints. If you later decide to change operating modes (for example, from Standalone Scanning Tool to Management Program Tool), you must reset the device to factory default settings.

For more information, see Resetting the Device.


This function is only available on Windows endpoints.

You can view the current activation status of your Scanning Tool by opening the console and going to the Status and Update tab.

You can view the current activation status of your Management Program by opening the console and going to the Overview tab.

Table 1. Icons and messages regarding Activation Codes



This Activation Code is already active and no action is needed.

  • This Activation Code is going to expire soon and you need to renew your subscription.

  • This Activation Code has not yet been activated and you need to activate to be able to use the product.

  • This Activation Code has already expired and you need to get a new Activation Code or renew your subscription to continue using the product.


Trend Micro recommends getting a new Activation Code before your current license expires to ensure that the Scanning Tool always has the most recent updates.