Remote Manager CSV files that contain non-English characters may experience encoding issues when viewed using editing software (like Excel). If any of your company names or other information contain non-English characters, you must import the CSV file using UTF-8 encoding before modifying the contents.
If you do not properly save CSV files containing non-English languages using UTF-8 encoding, you may not be able to re-import the files back to Remote Manager.
The following task outlines how to properly encode a Remote Manager CSV file using Microsoft Excel for Office 365. If you use a different CSV editor, you must refer to your product's documentation for encoding using UTF-8.


  1. Open a new blank Excel workbook.
  2. Click DataGet DataFrom FileFrom Text/CSV.
  3. Select the CSV file that you downloaded from Remote Manager, and click Import.
  4. In the File Origin drop-down, select 65001:Unicode (UTF-8).
  5. In the Delimiter drop-down, select Comma.
  6. Expand the Load button options and click Load To....
  7. Select Existing worksheet and click OK.
    The contents of the downloaded CSV file display in the new CSV file.
  8. Modify the CSV contents as required.
  9. Ensure that you save the file in UTF-8 format:
    1. Click File Save As.
    2. Select the location you want to save the file to.
    3. Specify a new file name.
    4. Change the file type to CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv).
    5. Click Save.