The Message Details section contains a special set of email specific information and available actions.
You must properly configure Cloud App Security before being able to correlate email message information.
The following table outlines the actions available in the Message Details section of details panels.
View Recipients
Click the count to display a list of all of the recipients that received the email message.
View Attachments
Click the count to display a list of all files attached to the email message.
View Embedded URLs
Click the count to displays a list of all URLs embedded in the email body.
Available actions
The availability of the following actions depends on the type and threat rating of the selected object. If multiple actions are available click up-carrot-icon.jpg next to Actions.
Click Quarantine Message or Delete Message.
You can confirm that quarantine or delete action was successful from the Cloud App Security console.
Click Block Sender to add the sender the the Cloud App Security blocked senders list.
Click Quick Assessment to perform a Quick Assessment using the sender address as criteria.