The Security Agent Deployment Exception List allows you to prevent any endpoint associated with a customer account from being allowed to install the Worry-Free Business Security Agent.
For example, before enabling Automatic Deployment, you may want to add any decommissioned endpoints still associated with the customer's account to the exception list. After enabling Automatic Deployment, the Worry-Free Services Plug-in does not deploy a Security Agent to any decommissioned endpoints in the list and no unnecessary licenses are used by the customer's account.
You can add individual endpoints to the Security Agent Deployment Exception List by going to Trend MicroWorry-Free ServicesUnmanaged Endpoints, selecting the endpoint, and clicking Add Deployment Exception.


  1. Go to Trend MicroWorry-Free ServicesCustomers.
  2. Click the Trend Micro Customers tab.
  3. Click the Manage exceptions link in the Automatic Deployment column for the customer the endpoints belong to.
    The Manage Exception List screen appears.
    Only endpoints associated with the related customer appear in the list.
  4. By default, only unmanaged endpoints appear in the list. To display all endpoints, select that option from the drop-down menu.
  5. Change the deployment exception status of selected endpoints:
  6. Click Close.
    After adding an endpoint to the deployment exception list, the endpoint can no longer receive either an automatic or manual deployment command. If you attempt to deploy to an excepted endpoint, a Deployment Exception command status displays.