This section describes how to cross-sign your CA certificate with the CSR file
for use by the on-premises gateway.
- Check the following:
Your organization's CA certificate and the corresponding CA private key and its passphrase are already available.
The Path Length Constraint in your organization's CA certificate is set to None, so that there is no restriction on the CA certificates down in the hierarchy.
The administrator has a basic knowledge of openssl commands.
- Create a folder named
The names of the folders and files created in this section are user customizable. - Go to the newly created folder.
- Create a subfolder named
. - Create an empty file named
. - Create a file, copy and paste the following text, and then save it as
- Create a file, copy and paste the following text into the file, and then save it as
:-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIICoDCCAYgCAQAwWzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgMAkNBMQswCQYDVQQH DAJDVTEOMAwGA1UECgwFVFJFTkQxDDAKBgNVBAsMA0lXUzEUMBIGA1UEAwwLVFJF TkQuSVdTLjIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCc1NKr7o9A aGW4C6nSKYzWvEvgJdHgzQ/ehGwx1N/bLlbS01zNC5ceHUpd61BYIWNkHRKOuJVR K/ahN1CImp56PhcfpEAfxYVaiQXFDpgJws3eJbnaQkUv2NTu346zgkQkvheP2yh5 pbPOT3jn7x1MLfQJxzQVaIz969JqfBdYZzLttCmc6cLWUe8L8OzFXb2XYb/E7ths 58tDQ25+ZAAf+U7/pwZH4WE+9v+qBXfvbrkkF9Z7H0wLQPLLmV9kY9p0B8soss6N zXk23qTuN3auYnU6CuS9W8eAaoud42SDjyBt8Jd6VYb9fKWCcLOrfPfa9zvPcEhz GW/OEUrp/BnlAgMBAAGgADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAOhEex28QGiE1I9sr aPxbJQH0nuBuSZpoUjRjISRuf5yXZpcC1EUHuyANOYG2RbtKBYkbVtCOEsWeyr05 FxiD2HCncL0SPglVUtW1b98AqzEeJfID8oopY1clWgjdTLGAnr8aRUjjpnyy1VX7 3Z8xBxmnz1ttvFAgPr6uQV0VnG1DzKgmqTetNiIOp9b0sJzZD9wy3l472VqBZoZh waT0juUw9mgLEZT3srB2BIWzdVUbCIWQifTxlGU8y5qu4FGesYt29PWh3M251P1v 5Pe7W56QtJkEi3v2vjSDe3S7WTkUdmrwsNtyCk/Xw+E14lDuzCG4pQtUYPtscILw hFcOPg== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
- Create a file, copy and paste the following text into the file, and then save it as
configuration file named
:[ca] default_ca = rootca [crl_ext] #issuerAltName=issuer:copy #this would copy the issuer name to altname authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always [rootca] new_certs_dir = newcerts unique_subject = no certificate = root.cer #Your organization's CA certificate database = certindex private_key = root.key #Your organization's CA private key serial = serialfile default_days = 3660 #Should be at least two years from the date of cross-signing default_md = sha256 #sha256 is required. policy = myca_policy x509_extensions = myca_extensions [ myca_policy ] countryName = supplied stateOrProvinceName = supplied localityName = supplied organizationName = supplied organizationalUnitName = optional commonName = supplied emailAddress = optional [ myca_extensions ] #These extensions are required. basicConstraints = CA:true subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always keyUsage = keyCertSign, cRLSign
- Run the following command to cross-sign your organization's CA certificate using the
CSR file:
openssl ca -batch -config myca.conf -notext -days 7320 -in tmws_ca.csr -out tmws_ca.cer
A cross-signed certificate named0A.pem
is generated under foldernewcerts
. - Go to and upload the certificate in the Cross-signed certificate for on-premises part of the Certificate section of a decryption rule as necessary.