TMWS supports three match
modes for customized URL categories.
Match Mode
Match URLs from a domain: Looks for a specific website and all its subsites.
Match URLs containing a keyword: Looks for occurrence of the keyword anywhere in a
For example, sex would be considered a match for
TMWS automatically
adds an asterisk (*) at the beginning and end of a keyword. As such, exercise caution
adding extra asterisks to the keyword as this increases the chance of false-positives.
Match a URL: Limits the search to the input as a whole. Use strings to target a specific
website, page, or file.
The main differentiation among the three types of match modes is the way TMWS transforms the input values provided
by administrators, and TMWS uses three
different icons to distinguish them.
General guidelines:
Separate multiple entries with spaces.
Multi-byte encoded and non-ASCII characters are accepted.URL Input TypeExamplesWeb (Internationalized domain names)عربي.امارات
Keyword κήποςउद्यानString 網路家庭.tw/ -
Characters are case-insensitive.