You can view and analyze how policies control network traffic, and how scan engines protect users from malware, network threats, and other potential harm. This helps you adjust policy rules to allow or filter specific traffic and remedy improperly configured policies, and helps you enable or disable security features and adjust actions, schedules, or user policies to better protect the network.


  1. Go to Logs & ReportsLOG ANALYSISPolicy Enforcement.
  2. View the chart on the right pane of the screen to help you visualize and interpret the result.
    You can also change the following search criteria as necessary. As you make a selection, the chart is updated with relevant data.
    Select a predefined period or specify a period.
    For details about what the time periods mean, see Time Measurements.
    Group by
    Select a log field.
    If a gateway is deleted, raw logs regarding users' web traffic passing through this gateway cannot be queried.
    You can narrow down the search by selecting a value under Period or clicking an item in the chart.
    Select the number of top values for the selected log field.
    Chart type
    Click the icon on the upper right corner to display the search result in line chart, bar chart, pie chart, or table chart view.
    The table chart view provides raw logs.
    Click Select Columns to specify the columns that display in the table to show only the data you are interested in.
    For details about the columns, see Log Column List.
    Click Export to CSV to export the data currently displayed on screen to a CSV file.
  3. From the left Choose Filters area, view the available filters, and then select or customize a period for the logs you want to query.
    You can also choose one or multiple filters, for example, User Name and Domain, and then select or search for the targets you want to query.
    Wildcard characters are not supported in searches.
  4. Click Save and then choose from the following:
    Save As Favorite
    Saves the current search criteria for future log queries.
    You can find the saved log favorite in two places - on the Favorite drop-down list on top of the current screen and in Logs & ReportsLog Favorites. Selecting the log favorite from either of these places loads the corresponding logs screen with the search criteria and result.
    Save as PDF
    Saves the data shown on the screen to a PDF file.
  5. Click Start New Query to initiate a new search.