You can use the API to add computers to Server & Workload Protection as part of the process of protecting new assets.
Before using the API, consider using the following types of scheduled tasks to automatically discover and add computers:
  • Discover Computers
  • Synchronize Cloud Account
  • Synchronize Directory
  • Synchronize VMware vCenter
For more information, see Maintain Protection Using Scheduled Tasks or Schedule Server & Workload Protection to perform tasks.
Use the following general procedure to add a computer:


  1. Create a Computer object and set the hostname. The hostname is the only required property. The value must be the hostname or IP address that resolves to the computer.
    computer = api.Computer()
    computer.host_name = hostname
  2. Configure any other properties as you desire. See the Create a Computer operation in the API Reference for the available properties.
  3. Create a ComputersApi object and use it to create the computer on Server & Workload Protection.
    computers_api = api.ComputersApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))
    new_computer = computers_api.create_computer(computer, api_version)
    To see the properties that you can configure, see the Create a Computer operation in the API Reference.
    You can also use the Server & Workload Protection console to create a task that automatically configures computers when they are added. See Automatically perform tasks when a computer is added or changed.
    You can use the legacy REST API to enable the relay on a computer that is running an activated agent. The Deep Security Git repository contains scripts that accomplish this task:

What to do next

# Create the computer object
computer = api.Computer()
computer.host_name = hostname

# Add the computer to Server & Workload Protection
computers_api = api.ComputersApi(api.ApiClient(configuration))
new_computer = computers_api.create_computer(computer, api_version)