
Configure Google Chrome on macOS devices settings to stop phishing simulation URLs from triggering Safe Browsing warnings.


  1. Record the Security Awareness sending IP addresses.
    1. On the Trend Vision One console, go to Cyber Risk Exposure ManagementSecurity Awareness.
    2. Click the settings icon (gear_icon=fc9a51ad-35af-4fe3-92c6-5e41b2dfc5d9.png).
    3. Click Settings and copy the sending IP addresses and simulation URLs.
      The sending IP addresses change over time. Check the list before launching a training campaign or phishing simulation.
  2. Create a .plist file and open the file in your preferred editor.
  3. Edit the .plist file to include the URLs and IP addresses you copied from Security Awareness.
    1. Add each root domain as a string entry under the key SafeBrowsingAllowlistDomains in the array.
  4. Save the .plist file.
  5. Convert the .plist file into a system policy using the conversion tool of your choice.
  6. Deploy the policy to devices via your mobile device management (MDM) solution.
  7. Verify you installed the policy successfully by restarting Chrome and going tochrome://policy.