Use compliance policies to flag devices that do not meet the specified criteria and potentially perform automatic actions on noncompliant devices.
- Go to Mobile Compliance Policies.
- On the Mobile Compliance Policies screen, click
Create and choose the operating system you want this
compliance policy to apply to.You can only create compliance policies per operating system and settings differ based on operating system.
- Under General, specify a policy name of 1 to 30
characters, type a policy description, and click
Next.For Android devices, you also select a Device type:
User-owned devices with a work profile
Company-owned, fully-managed and dedicated devices
- Under Compliance Settings, specify the compliance policy
criteria and click Next.
Devices that match the criteria specified here are deemed compliant.Refer to the following topics to find the available compliance criteria for each operating system and device type: - Under Actions, specify the actions to apply
automatically to noncompliant devices and click
Next.By default, each device compliance policy includes the action to mark a device as noncompliant if it fails to meet the criteria.
- Under Assignment, assign the policy to your assignment
groups by selecting one or more groups and clicking
Save.The users or devices targeted by your policy are evaluated for compliance when they check in with Mobile Security.