
Create automated tagging rules to automatically assign tags to your assets.


  1. Go to Tag ManagementAutomated Tagging.
  2. Click + Create rule.
    The Create a Rule window appears.
  3. Type a Rule name for the tagging rule.
    Rule names have a maximum length of 64 characters, and cannot have initial or final spaces. Only letters, numbers, spaces, and the following special characters are supported: .@:+=_/-
  4. Select an Asset type from the dropdown list for the rule to target.
  5. Specify up to 5 Conditions for the tagging rule.
    1. Select an attribute for the condition.
    2. Select an operator.
    3. Select the other attribute for the condition.
    4. Click + Condition to add up to 4 additional conditions.
  6. Select tags to assign to target assets when the rule runs.
    1. Select or search for tag values to assign to target assets.
      You can select up to 20 custom tag values in a rule.
  7. Choose Enabled or Disabled as the Status of the new rule.
    If you enable an automated tagging rule, the rule runs every time the asset pool is updated.
  8. Click Save.
    The new tagging rule appears on the Automated Tagging screen.