The following table outlines the information available for each custom model.
Model ID
The unique identifier of the model
The user-defined severity of the model
Model name
The user-defined name of the model
Click the model name to view more information about the custom model.
An information icon (disabled=6e5bd66a-4b63-4096-867e-128dce2c0ebf.jpg) next to the model name indicates that the model is not functioning properly because one or more filters have been disabled. To restore full functionality, edit the query in the event settings of the disabled filters. See Create a custom filter.
The custom filters that define the events the model uses to trigger alerts
Group by
The way the model groups multiple events into a single alert
Last updated
The date and time the model was last updated
Last updated by
The user who last updated the custom model
The status of the custom model