
View all CVEs detected on your assets, and configure Trend Vision One to assess for all CVEson your internal assets, including low-impact CVEs.

This feature is not available in all regions.
Cyber Risk Exposure Management prioritizes assessment for high-impact and medium-impact vulnerabilities (CVEs with an impact score range of 31-100). The strategy helps you focus on the most important remediation tasks to stop potential threat actors from breaching your network. However, visibility into low-impact CVEs (CVEs with an impact score range of 0-30) may also be necessary for your organization to meet compliance requirements or follow internal policies.
Additionally, low-impact vulnerabilities may pose high future risks if new exploit methods emerge. Identifying and addressing low-impact CVEs proactively enhances your security posture and prevents new sophisticated attacks from affecting your organization.
If you do not have a third-party vulnerability assessment tool connected to Trend Vision One, you may configure the Trend Vision One vulnerability assessment service to assess your internal assets for all CVEs, including low-impact CVEs.
In the Vulnerabilities tab of Executive DashboardExposure Overview or the Risk Factors tab in Operations DashboardVulnerabilities, click Configure CVE Coverage. You may choose to assess your internal assets for all CVEs or keep the default behavior of scanning for high-impact and medium-impact CVEs only. To understand how impact scores are determined, see CVE impact score.
It may take up to 24 hours for new CVE data to display after enabling assessment for all CVEs on internal assets.
In Executive DashboardExposure Overview, the following vulnerability management metrics display data on all detected CVEs:
  • Detected Vulnerabilities: CVEs are calculated and organized by impact score.
    • Internet-facing assets are not currently included in the calculation.
  • Mean Time to Patch (MTTP)
  • Average Unpatched Time (AUT)
  • Vulnerable Endpoint Percentage
  • CVE Density
In Operations DashboardVulnerabilities, data on all detected CVEs is calculated into the vulnerability percentage and CVE density metrics. In the Detected Vulnerabilities table, CVEs are counted based on impact score level. Click the corresponding impact score level to filter detected CVEs by impact score.
  • Full CVE assessment configuration is for internal assets only. Internet-facing assets, containers, cloud VMs, and serverless functions display all CVEs by default.
  • If you disable assessment for all CVEs, it may take up to 24 hours for the change to be reflected. All CVE data remains in Operations Dashboard for 30 days, but the CVE status is no longer monitored. After 30 days, low-impact CVEs detected by Trend Vision One are removed.