
View policy violations detected on containers by Runtime Security.

Runtime Security detects security policy violations in your existing clusters. Once a violation is detected on a container, the detection displays. The Events screen outlines the different types of policies deployed to your containers:
  • Deployment/Continuous: Kubernetes only policies
  • Kubernetes Runtime: Kubernetes only policies
  • ECS Runtime: Amazon ECS only policies
The following table outlines the actions available in the Events tab.
Filter the displayed data
Click Filter and select one or more of the following filters.
  • Action
  • Mitigation
  • Policy
  • Cluster
  • Namespace
  • Operation
  • Kind
  • Time
Locate triggered policies
Click the Policy link to locate the policy that triggered the detection in the Policies tab.
Export a list of events
Click the Export button to create and download a .CSV file listing all the events on the page.
Locate the affected clusters
Click the Cluster link to redirect and locate the affected cluster in Container Inventory.