Some agent versions support systemd for Linux.
✔ - Supported. If an update added support, then the minimum required version appears
in the footnote.
• - Support for these releases is ending soon. Please upgrade as soon as possible.
Operating System
Agent Version
20 LTS
12 FR
12 LTS
11 LTS
AlmaLinux 8 (64-bit)
Alma Linux 9 (64-bit)
Amazon Linux 2 (64-bit)
Amazon Linux 2 (AWS ARM-Based Graviton 2)
Amazon Linux 2 (AWS ARM-Based Graviton 3)
Amazon Linux 2023 (64-bit)
Amazon Linux 2023 (AWS ARM-Based Graviton 2)
CloudLinux 8 (64-bit)
Debian 10 (64-bit)
Debian 11 (64-bit)
Debian 12 (64-bit)
Miracle Linux 8 (64-bit)
Miracle Linux 9 (64-bit)
Oracle Linux 7 (64-bit)
Oracle Linux 8 (64-bit)
Oracle Linux 9 (64-bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (64-bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (64-bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (AWS ARM-Based Graviton 2)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (64-bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (PowerPC little-endian)
Rocky Linux 8 (64-bit)
Rocky Linux 9 (64-bit)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (PowerPC little-endian)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (64-bit)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (PowerPC little-endian)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (AWS Arm-Based Graviton2)
Ubuntu 18.04 (64-bit)
Ubuntu 18.04 (AWS ARM-Based Graviton 2)
Ubuntu 20.04 (64-bit)
Ubuntu 20.04 (AWS ARM-Based Graviton 2)
Ubuntu 22.04 (64-bit)
Ubuntu 22.04 (AWS ARM-Based Graviton 2)
Ubuntu 24.04 (64-bit)
Requires Deep Security Agent 11.0.0-796 U12 (2019-06-22) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 11.0.0-871 U13 (2019-07-26) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 12.0.0-481 U1 (2019-08-09) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 11.0.0-946 U14 (2019-08-29) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 12.5.0-936 FR (2020-05-19) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 12.0.0-563 U2 (2019-09-13) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-3165 (20 LTS Update 2021-10-08) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-3288 (20 LTS Update 2021-10-28) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-3964 (20 LTS Update 2022-03-01) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-4959 (20 LTS Update 2021-07-04) or later for Windows, and 20.0.0-158 (20 LTS Update 2022-07-11) or newer for macOS.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-5137 (20 LTS Update 2022-07-26) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-5394 (20 LTS Update 2022-08-29) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-6313 (20 LTS Update 2023-01-31) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.1-12510 (20 LTS Update 2024-06-26) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.1-14610 (20 LTS Update 2024-07-20) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.1-19250 (20 LTS Update 2024-09-18) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.1-21510 (20 LTS Update 2024-10-16) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-6912 (20 LTS Update 2023-05-02) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-7303 (20 LTS Update 2023-06-28) or later.
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-8438 (20 LTS Update 2023-12-12) or later.
Miracle Linux 8 is supported by Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-7719 (20 LTS Update 2023-08-29) or later for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Miracle Linux 9 is supported by Deep Security Agent 20.0.0-8137 (20 LTS Update 2023-10-26) or later for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
Requires Deep Security Agent 20.0.1-7380 (20 LTS Update 2024-04-24) or later.