
Define your network topography to help your Network Sensors better detect threats and monitor critical resources.

Network Resources provides a set of lists you can use to define your network topography. Using these lists allows your connected appliances to better identify the source of threats and recognize which critical assets in your environment require additional monitoring. You can add network resources to each list, edit the lists, import files to configure each list, or export the lists to edit them.
You can create a Network Resource profile to define more than one set of lists. Apply profiles to your network asset groups to allow more flexible monitoring of different networks or locations. To create network asset groups, see Network Inventory.
If you have not created a network resource profile, accessing Network Resources opens the Base Profile. The Base Profile is the default resource list set applied to any Network Sensor not assigned a resource profile. To create a profile, click Create Network Resource Profile.
After you have created a Network Resource profile, accessing Network Resources opens the Network Resource Profile List.
The following table details which actions you can take from the Network Resources screen.
If your Trend Vision One account has limited visibility, you can only see assets you have permission to view. Editing a Network Resource profile might affect assets that are not visible to your account. Talk to your system administrator for assistance.

Create a new Network Resource profile
Base Profile, Resource Profile List
Create a new set of Network Resource lists to apply to your connected Network Sensors
Click Create Network Resource Profile to get started. For more information, see Configuring a Network Resource profile.
Toggle central management of connected Deep Discovery Inspector appliances
Base Profile, Resource Profile List
Allow Trend Vision One to manage the resource lists in Network Assets on the Deep Discovery Inspector appliance
Select Central management of Deep Discovery Inspector resources to enable management.
Enabling the feature overwrites the settings on all connected Deep Discovery Inspector appliances. Before enabling central management of Deep Discovery Inspector resources, Trend Micro recommends you export the Network Assets lists and settings in Deep Discovery Inspector to backup your configuration.
Overwritten data is permanently lost and cannot be recovered without backup files.
Manage Network Resource Lists
Base Profile
Manage the objects added to the Network Resource Lists in the Base Profile
The available actions depend on which list you view. For more information, see Network Resource Lists.
Configure Network Resource profiles
Resource Profile List
Define the Network Resource Lists in a Network Resource profile
Click the profile name to access the profile screen to edit the Network Resource Lists. For more information, see Network Resource Lists.
Manage Network Resource profiles
Resource Profile List
Edit or delete a Network Resource profile
Click the edit icon (editIcon=71125946-2a6e-4cfa-ae3f-072292c400ae.png) to change the profile name or assign network asset groups. Click the delete icon (garbage_can_icon=GUID-20230329141313.png) to remove the profile. You can also select profiles to delete.
For more information, see Configuring a Network Resource profile.