Profile applicability: Level 1
Do not allow all requests. Enable explicit authorization.
Kubelets, by default, allow all authenticated requests (even anonymous ones) without needing explicit authorization checks from the API server. You should restrict this behavior and only allow explicitly authorized requests.
By default, OpenShift uses Webhook authorization.


Unauthorized requests will be denied.


In OpenShift 4, the Kubernetes configuration file is managed by the Machine Config Operator. By default, OpenShift rejects unauthenticated and unauthorized users.
You can verify that each node in the cluster is configured to only accept authenticated users with the following command:
for node in $(oc get nodes -ojsonpath='{.items[*]}'); do
oc get --raw /api/v1/nodes/$node/proxy/configz | jq
Verify none of the nodes return AlwaysAllow for the authorization mode.