
Gain insights into activities regarding access to your corporate apps from your users and devices.

The following table outlines the available widgets.
Total Private Access Attempts
  • Total Attempts: The number of attempts to access internal apps during the selected time period
  • Blocked attempts: The number of attempts to access internal apps that were blocked during the selected time period
  • Total Users: The number of users who attempted to access internal apps during the selected time period
  • Blocked Users: The number of users who attempted to access internal apps and were blocked during the selected time period
  • Active Connections: The number of users who are currently accessing internal apps
    Click download_icon=5c7476c2-cf15-4572-b7cd-5fc67a57d22f.png to export the user data into a CSV file.
  • Total Devices: The number of devices that were used to access internal apps during the selected time period
  • Blocked Devices: The number of devices that were used to access internal apps and were blocked during the selected time period
  • Active Connections: The number of devices that are currently accessing internal apps
    Click download_icon=5c7476c2-cf15-4572-b7cd-5fc67a57d22f.png to export the device data into a CSV file.
Internal apps
  • Total Apps: The number of internal apps that users and devices attempted to access during the selected time period
  • Blocked Apps: The number of internal apps with blocked attempts during the selected time period
User Access Overview
  • Top Users by Blocked Attempts: The top 10 users whose private access attempts were blocked the most
  • Top Users by Monitored/Blocked Attempts: The top 10 users whose private access attempts were monitored or blocked the most
  • User Sign-in History: The users who have signed in for Private Access, either through the Secure Access Module or the browser-based user portal
    Information includes the last device that the user used to sign in, the number of devices that the user has used to sign in, and the last sign-in time.
To view activity logs for an entry, click the corresponding block count or access count.
To gain insights into access activities from more users, synchronize more user data by clicking Configure IAM.
Device Access Overview
  • Top Devices by Blocked Attempts: The top 10 devices, by name or IP address, whose private access attempts were blocked the most
  • Top Devices by Monitored/Blocked Attempts: The top 10 devices, by name or IP address, whose private access attempts were monitored or blocked the most
  • Device Sign-in History: The devices that have been used to sign in for Private Access, either through the Secure Access Module or the browser-based user portal
    Information includes the last user who signed in on the device, the number of users who have used the device to sign in, and the last sign-in time.
To view activity logs for an entry, click the corresponding block count or access count.
To gain insights into access activities from more devices, deploy the Secure Access Module to more devices by clicking Deploy Secure Access Module.
Internal App Access Overview
  • Top Internal Apps by Blocked Attempts: The top 10 internal apps with the most blocked access attempts
  • Top Internal Apps by Monitored/Blocked Attempts: The top 10 internal apps with the most monitored or blocked access attempts
To view activity logs for an entry, click the corresponding block count or access count.
To gain insights into more internal app access activities, add more internal apps by clicking Configure Applications.