
View a list of risky mobile apps that are installed on managed devices.

The following table outlines the information available for each risky mobile app.
The official name of the app
Package name
The unique name to identify an Android app on the mobile device, in Google Play Store and in supported third-party Android stores.
Generally, the package name of an app is in the format, but it is completely up to the app's developer to choose the name.
App version
The version number of the app
Risk level
The risk level Mobile Security assigns to the app based on the data obtained from Mobile Apps Reputation Service
  • High: malicious apps
  • Medium: potentially unwanted apps or privacy-leaking apps
Detection type
The risk type of the app identified by Trend Micro Mobile Apps Reputation Service
  • Malicious app: often used to corrupt or misuse a system, such as virus, spyware, and ransomware.
  • Potentially unwanted app: classified as grayware and a user may perceive as unwanted.
  • Privacy-leaking app: leaks personal private data such as phone information, GPS location, and Wi-Fi data.
Operating system
The operating system running on the device
Device count
The total number of devices on which the app is installed
Last detected
The time when the app was last detected by Mobile Security
If an app is running on more than one device, Mobile Security displays the last time the app was detected.