
Grant Trend Vision One access to Salesforce metadata and information on system misconfigurations for use in compliance and risk assessments.

The Salesforce screen (Workflow and AutomationThird-Party Integration) provides an overview of all your connected Salesforce tenants and the data that each tenant shares with Trend Vision One.
The following table describes the features available for this integration.
Associated apps
Manage user data (production tenant)
Grants Trend Micro the following permissions:
  • Manage user data in a production environment via APIs
  • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  • Cyber Risk Exposure Management
Manage user data (sandbox tenant)
Grants Trend Micro the following permissions:
  • Manage user data in a sandbox environment via APIs
  • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  • Cyber Risk Exposure Management
For more information on granting permissions and connecting tenants, see Configuring Salesforce tenants.