

  1. Go to ResponseLive Investigation.
  2. Click the Scheduled Investigation tab.
  3. Click New Investigation.
  4. Specify a Name for this investigation.
  5. Select a Method based on what objects need to be matched:
    • Scan disk files using OpenIOC: objects on the disk that match the rules provided in an OpenIOC file
      After selection, Endpoint Sensor displays a preview of the OpenIOC file. Review the preview to verify if the OpenIOC file contains supported indicators and conditions. Unsupported combinations are formatted with a strike-through and are ignored during the investigation.
    • Scan in-memory processes using YARA: objects currently in memory that match the rules provided in a YARA file
    • Search registry: registry keys, names and data that match criteria defined by the user
  6. Click Select Endpoints and specify which endpoints to include in the investigation.
    The Target Endpoints screen may not show all endpoints selected for the investigation.
    • A user can only view endpoints where he has been granted sufficient access rights.
    • Only available for Security Agents installed on Windows platforms.
  7. Specify a schedule for this investigation.
    • Period: Specify a starting and ending date for the investigation. The investigation only runs within the dates provided. The default period is set to one month.
    • Frequency: Specify how often the investigation repeats during the duration of the schedule. The default frequency is set to Daily at 08:00.
  8. Click Start Investigation.
  9. To view the results and monitor the progress of scheduled investigations:
    1. Go to ResponseLive Investigation.
    2. Click the Scheduled Investigation tab.
      For details, see Scheduled Investigation.
    3. To view details for each schedule run, click the investigation name to open the Scheduled Investigation History screen.