
Deploy the Server & Workload Protection agent to your endpoints using Microsoft Intune.

The steps are valid for Microsoft Intune as of December, 2023.
This deployment method has only been tested for 64-bit Windows agents.
Configure your agent installation packages to ensure that your newly-deployed agents:
  • Report to the correct Protection Manager or Endpoint Inventory
  • Automatically apply the correct default settings
For Server & Workload Protection agents, Trend Micro recommends that you configure a default policy and use the agent-initiated activation feature before deploying agent packages to simplify the connection process.


  1. In the Trend Vision One console, go to Endpoint SecurityEndpoint Inventory.
  2. Click Agent Installer.
  3. Specify the Server & Workload Protection package settings.
    1. Select the Windows operating system.
    2. Specify the package type.
      • Auto detect: The installation package is light-weight, and downloads and installs additional components after detecting the operating system type (requires more network bandwidth)
      • Full package: The installation package contains all necessary components and automatically installs the correct components after detecting the operating system version
    3. Select the Server & Workload Protection Manager that the newly-deployed agents report to.
    4. Click the Download installer icon (downloadInstaller=20230617123737.png).
  4. On your local machine, unzip the agent installer package to a folder that is easy to find.
  5. Locate where you have downloaded and unzipped the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool.
  6. Run IntuneWinAppUtil.exe and specify the information when prompted.
    Source folder
    Specify the directory where the agent installer is located
    The following example uses D:\TMStandardAgent_Windows_x86_64_Windows
    Setup file
    Type the full file path with EndpointBasecamp.exe
    Output folder
    Specify the destination for the created package
    The following example uses the same location as the unzipped agent installer package.
    Specify catalog folder
    Type N
    Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool Example
    The tool creates a deployment package named EndpointBasecamp.intunewin.
  7. In Microsoft Intune, go to AppsAll apps and click Add.
    The Select app type window appears.
  8. Select Windows app (Win32).
    The Add App window appears.
  9. On the App information tab, click Select app package file.
  10. In the App package file screen, click the folder icon to locate the EndpointBasecamp.intunewin package.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Specify a unique Name for the app.
    Trend Micro recommends using a name which includes the agent information, such as Trend Vision One Server & Workload Agent.
  13. Specify a Description to easily identify the purpose of the app.
  14. For Publisher, type Trend Micro.
  15. Click Next.
  16. Configure the Program tab and click Next.
    • Install command: Type EndpointBasecamp.exe
    • Uninstall command: Type EndpointBasecamp.exe /qn
  17. Configure the Requirements tab and click Next.
  18. Configure the Detection rules tab.
  19. For Rules format, select Manually configure detection rules.
  20. Click Add to add new detection rules.
    Rule Type
    • Key path: Type HKLM\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\Deep Security Agent
    • Value name: Type InstalledVersion
    • Detection method: Select Value exists.
    • Associated with a 32-bit ap on 64-bit clients: Select No.
    • Path: Type %ProgramFiles%\Trend Micro\Cloud Endpoint
    • File or folder: Type CloudEndpointService.exe
    • Detection method: Select File or folder exists.
    • Associated with a 32-bit app on 64-bit clients: Select No.
    • Path: Type %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Trend Micro\Endpoint Basecamp
    • File or folder: Type EndpointBasecamp.exe
    • Detection method: Select File or folder exists.
    • Associated with a 32-bit app on 64-bit clients: Select No.
  21. Click Next, then click Next again to go to the Scope tags tab.
  22. Click Select scope tags to assign a scope tag for the agent installer.
  23. Click Next to go to the Assignments tab.
  24. Add the groups or users you wish to deploy the agent installer to, then click Next.
  25. Review the settings and then click Create.