A virtual machine image comprises many uncompressed files. The files must be combined into a single OVA file to avoid issues when importing.
Verify that the size of the created OVA file is supported by your product.


  1. On the VirtualBox Manager screen, power off the virtual machine.
    Verify that the CD/DVD drive is empty before powering off and exporting.
  2. Go to FileExport Appliance.
    The Export Virtual Appliance window appears.
  3. Select the virtual machine image to export and click Next.
    The Appliance settings screen appears.
  4. Configure the following:
    • File: Accept the default name and path or click ova-folder-icon.jpg to select a different file.
    • Format: Select OVF 1.0.
      Format options include OVF 0.9, 1.0 and 2.0. Virtual Analyzer does not support OVF 2.0.
    • MAC Address Policy: Select Include only NAT network adapter MAC addresses.
  5. Click Next.
    The Virtual system settings screen appears.
  6. Verify that the License field is empty and then click Export.
VirtualBox creates the OVA file.