  1. Obtain the Worry-Free Business Security Activation Code.
    1. On the Remote Manager web console, go to Customers.
    2. In the Company column, click the customer.
    3. On the Products tab, select the Worry-Free Business Security product.
    4. Copy the Activation Code.
  2. Update the Worry-Free Business Security license information.
    1. On the Worry-Free Business Security web console, go to Administration > Product License.
    2. Under License Information, click Enter a new code.
    3. Paste the Activation Code in the New Activation Code field.
    4. Click Activate.
    5. Click Refresh license information.
  3. Go to the Security Server and navigate to the following installation folder: PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\RmAgent, and launch the application TMRMAgentforWFBS.exe.

    For example: C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\RmAgent\TMRMAgentforWFBS.exe


    Skip this step if you are launching the installation from the Security Server Setup screen.

  4. Select I already have a Trend Micro Remote Manager account and I want to install the agent and click Next.
  5. Select Associate with existing Licensing Management Platform license and click Next.
  6. Specify the Remote Manager account credentials and click Next.
  7. If required, specify the proxy server information and click Next.
  8. If required, specify the installation folder and click Next.
  9. Click Finish.

    If the installation is successful and settings are correct, the Remote Manager Agent should automatically register to the Trend Micro Remote Manager server. The Remote Manager Agent should show as Online on the Remote Manager web console.