Server & Workload Protection のパフォーマンスを低下させる可能性のあるAPI呼び出し数の急増を防ぐために、APIレート制限は/apiエンドポイントに設定されます。
APIコール率は、 Server & Workload Protection が過去60秒間に受信したAPIコールの数として測定されます。レート制限を超えると、Managerはコールレートがすべてのレート制限を下回るまで要求を処理しません。
メッセージ付きToo many API requests
メッセージ付きToo many API calls
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コールレートを決定するためのSDKのクラス。 (「API Usage in the API Reference..) For example you can search for all API calls that occur during
a certain time period. Parse the returned data to count the total calls. You can also
find the number of code 429 responses. (See 期間検索.)次の例では、APIレート制限を超えたときに発生する例外またはエラーをキャッチします。検出されると、指数バックオフアルゴリズムによって、コールが再試行されるまでの遅延が計算されます。再試行の回数は最大数に制限されています。
while True: # Create a computer object and set the policy ID computer = api.Computer() computer.policy_id = policy_id try: # Modify the computer on Server & Workload Protection and store the ID of the returned computer computer = computers_api.modify_computer(computer_ids[change_count], computer, api_version, overrides=False) modified_computer_ids.append( retries = 0 # Increment the count and return if all computers are modified change_count += 1 if change_count == len(computer_ids): return modified_computer_ids except api_exception as e: if e.status == 429 and retries < MAX_RETRIES: # The error is due to exceeding an API rate limit retries += 1 # Calculate sleep time exp_backoff = (2 ** (retries +3)) / 1000 print("API rate limit is exceeded. Retry in {} s.".format(exp_backoff)) time.sleep(exp_backoff) else: # Return all other exception causes or when max retries is exceeded return "Exception: " + str(e)Server & Workload Protection and store the ID of the returned computer computer = computers_api.modify_computer(computer_ids[change_count], computer, api_version, overrides=False) modified_computer_ids.append( retries = 0 # Increment the count and return if all computers are modified change_count += 1 if change_count == len(computer_ids): return modified_computer_ids except api_exception as e: if e.status == 429 and retries < MAX_RETRIES: # The error is due to exceeding an API rate limit retries += 1 # Calculate sleep time exp_backoff = (2 ** (retries +3)) / 1000 print("API rate limit is exceeded. Retry in {} s.".format(exp_backoff)) time.sleep(exp_backoff) else: # Return all other exception causes or when max retries is exceeded return "Exception: " + str(e)