To deploy the Server & Workload Protection agent with endpoint sensor with full XDR functionality, download and deploy the agent package from Endpoint Inventory. For more information, see Deploy Agents.
Computers added using this method do not support the endpoint sensor and do not have XDR functionality. Trend Micro recommends only using this method for testing purposes or troubleshooting with your support provider.
Agent-initiated activation is recommended and enabled by default. When agent-initiated activation is enabled, computers are added automatically.

Manually add a computer Parent topic

If you have bidirectional or manager-initiated activation configured, you can manually add an individual computer by specifying its IP address or hostname.


  1. Go to the Computers page and click Add Add Computer in the toolbar to display the New Computer wizard.
  2. Enter the new computer's IP address or hostname.
  3. Select a policy to assign to it from the list.
  4. Select a relay group from which the new computer will download component updates.
  5. Click Next to begin the search for the computer.

What to do next

If the computer is detected and an agent is installed and running on that computer, the computer will be added to your computers list and the agent will be activated.
"Activating" an agent means that Server & Workload Protection communicates with the agent sending it a unique "fingerprint". The agent will then use this fingerprint to uniquely identify Server & Workload Protection and will not accept instructions from any other managers that might try to contact it.
If a policy has been assigned to the computer, the policy will be deployed to the agent and the computer will be protected with all the rules and configurations that make up the policy.
By default, the component updates delivered by relay groups include new malware patterns. If you have enabled the Support 9.0 (and earlier) agents option (on the Administration System Settings Updates page), updates to the engines will also be included.
If the computer is detected but no agent is present, you will be told that the computer can still be added to your computers list but that you still have to install an agent on the computer. Once you install an agent on the computer, you will have to find the computer in your computers list, right-click it, and choose Activate/Reactivate from the context menu.
If the computer is not detected (not visible to Server & Workload Protection), you will be told that you can still add the computer but that when it becomes visible to Server & Workload Protection you will have to activate it as above.