
Create, edit, and delete your automated tagging rules.

The following table outlines the actions available on the Automated Tagging screen.
Create automated tagging rules
Click + Create rule to create rules for automated tagging.
Edit automated tagging rules
To modify an existing rule, click the edit_icon=GUID-1F1D1164-5310-4D6D-ACD0-6049C86960AF.png icon to open the Edit a Tagging Rule window, make the required changes, then click Save.
The Asset type targeted by an automated tagging rule cannot be edited.
When you edit a rule, all tags previously assigned to assets by the rule remain unchanged. Any new tags specified for the rule are assigned to assets the next time the rule runs.
Run automated tagging rules
Click the run_icon=cbe6ecd0-17e8-4e04-bef3-4efe4eb9c7e5.png icon to immediately run an enabled rule.
To run a disabled rule, you must first edit the rule and change the status to Enabled.
Delete automated tagging rules
Click the trash_icon=GUID-47cf6867-6315-438e-8670-86ff36f22a28.png icon and click Delete in the confirmation window to delete a tagging rule.
When you delete a rule, all tags previously assigned to assets by the rule remain unchanged. To remove those tags, go to Tag Library and manually remove the tags from the assigned assets