On the Computers page in the Server & Workload Protection console:
For a list of the events, see Agent event descriptions and System events.

Status column - computer states

The agent is activated.
Computer has been added to the computers list via the discovery process. (See Discover computers.)
An agent is present and activated, with no pending operations or errors.
Multiple Errors
Multiple errors have occurred on this computer. See the computer's system events for details.
Multiple Warnings
Multiple warnings are in effect on this computer. See the computer's system events for details.
Reactivation Required
The agent is installed and listening and is waiting to be reactivated by Server & Workload Protection.
The computer's agent is not managed by Server & Workload Protection because it hasn't been activated. Server & Workload Protection can't communicate with the agent until you activate it.
Upgrade Recommended
A newer version of the agent is available. An software upgrade is recommended.
Upgrading Agent
The agent software on this computer is in the process of being upgraded to a newer version.

Status column - agent states

The agent has been successfully activated and is ready to be managed by Server & Workload Protection.
Activation Required
An unactivated agent has been detected on the target machine. It must be activated before it can be managed by Server & Workload Protection.
Deactivation Required
Server & Workload Protection has attempted to activate an agent that has already been activated by another Server & Workload Protection account or Deep Security Manager. The original manager must deactivate the agent before it can be activated by Server & Workload Protection.
No Agent
No agent was detected on the computer.
The agent has not connected to Server & Workload Protection for the number of heartbeats specified on Computer or Policy editor > Settings > General.
This can occur when connectivity is interrupted by a network firewall or proxy, AWS security group, agent software update, or when a computer is powered down for repair.
Verify that firewall settings allow the required port numbers, and that the computer is powered on. Also see Activate and protect agents using agent-initiated activation and communication.
The agent is online and operating as expected.
No attempt has been made to determine whether an agent is present.

Trend Vision One Endpoint Security Agent readiness status

This is a "pre-release" feature and is not considered an official release. Review the Pre-release Disclaimer before using the feature.
Ready to Install
The computer is ready to install Trend Vision One Endpoint Security Agent using Deep Security Agent.
Install Pending
Trend Vision One Endpoint Security Agent has requested installation in Workload Security, but is not yet installed on the computer.
Trend Vision One Endpoint Security Agent is being installed on the computer.
Install Failed
Trend Vision One Endpoint Security Agent failed install to the computer.
Trend Vision One Endpoint Security Agent Installed.
Trend Vision One Endpoint Security Agent is installed on the computer.
Platform not Supported.
There is no installer for the requested platform.
Deep Security Agent Version not Supported.
There is no installer for the current Deep Security Agent version. Upgrade to version (20 LTS Update 2024-12-10) or later to install Trend Vision One Endpoint Security Agent.

Task(s) column

Server & Workload Protection is activating the agent.
Activating (Delayed)
The activation of the agent is delayed by the amount of time specified in the relevant event-based task.
Activation Pending
A command to activate the agent has been queued.
Agent Software Deployment Pending
An instruction to deploy the agent software is queued to be sent to the computer.
Agent Software Removal Pending
An instruction to remove the agent software is queued to be sent to the computer.
Application Control Inventory Scan In Progress
An application control inventory scan is being performed.
Application Control Inventory Scan Pending (Heatbeat)
An instruction to start an application control inventory scan will be sent from Server & Workload Protection during the next heartbeat.
Application Control Inventory Scan Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. Server & Workload Protection will initiate an application control inventory scan when communication is reestablished.
Application Control Ruleset Update In Progress
The application control ruleset is being updated.
Application Control Ruleset Update Pending (Heartbeat)
An instruction to perform an application control ruleset update will be sent from Server & Workload Protection during the next heartbeat.
Application Control Ruleset Update Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. Server & Workload Protection will initiate an application control ruleset update when communication is reestablished.
Baseline Rebuild In Progress
The Integrity Monitoring engine is currently rebuilding a system baseline.
Baseline Rebuild Paused
A baseline rebuild has been paused
Baseline Rebuild Pending
An instruction to rebuild a system baseline for Integrity Monitoring is queued to be sent.
Baseline Rebuild Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. The Integrity Monitoring engine will rebuild a system baseline when communication between Server & Workload Protection and this computer is reestablished.
Baseline Rebuild Queued
The instruction to perform a baseline rebuild is queued.
Checking Status
The agent state is being checked.
Deactivate Pending (Heartbeat)
A deactivate instruction will be sent from Server & Workload Protection during the next heartbeat.
The agent is being deactivated. This means that the agent is available for activation and management by Server & Workload Protection.
Deploying Agent Software
Agent software is being deployed on the computer.
File Backup Cancellation In Progress
A file backup is being canceled.
File Backup Cancellation Pending
An instruction to cancel a file backup is queued to be sent.
File Backup Cancellation Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. Server & Workload Protection will initiate the cancellation of the file backup when communication is reestablished.
File Backup In Progress
A file backup is being performed.
File Backup Pending
An instruction to start a file backup is queued to be sent.
File Backup Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. Server & Workload Protection will initiate a file backup when communication is reestablished.
File Backup Queued
The instruction to perform a file backup is queued.
Getting Events
Server & Workload Protection is retrieving events from the agent.
Integrity Scan In Progress
An Integrity Scan is currently in progress.
Integrity Scan Paused
An integrity scan has been paused.
Integrity Scan Pending
A command to start an integrity scan is queued to be sent.
Integrity Scan Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. Server & Workload Protection will initiate an Integrity Scan when communication is reestablished.
Integrity Scan Queued
An instruction to start an integrity scan is queued to be sent.
Malware Manual Scan Cancellation In Progress
The instruction to cancel a manually-initiated Malware Scan has been sent.
Malware Manual Scan Cancellation Pending
The command to cancel a manually-initiated malware scan is queued to be sent.
Malware Manual Scan Cancellation Pending (Offline)
The agent is offline. The instruction to cancel a manually-initiated Malware Scan will be sent when communication is reestablished.
Malware Manual Scan In Progress
A manually-initiated Malware Scan is in progress.
Malware Manual Scan Paused
A manually-initiated Malware Scan has been paused.
Malware Manual Scan Pending
The instruction to perform a manually-initiated Malware Scan has not yet been sent.
Malware Manual Scan Pending (Offline)
The agent is offline. The instruction to start a manually-initiated Malware Scan will be sent when communication is reestablished.
Malware Manual Scan Queued
The instruction to perform a manually-initiated Malware Scan is queued.
Malware Scheduled Scan Cancellation In Progress
The instruction to cancel a scheduled Malware Scan has been sent.
Malware Scheduled Scan Cancellation Pending
The instruction to cancel a scheduled Malware Scan is queued to be sent.
Malware Scheduled Scan Cancellation Pending (Offline)
The agent is offline. The instruction to cancel a scheduled Malware Scan will be sent when communication is reestablished.
Malware Scheduled Scan In Progress
A scheduled Malware Scan is in progress.
Malware Scheduled Scan Paused
A scheduled Malware Scan has been paused.
Malware Scheduled Scan Pending
The command to cancel a scheduled malware scan has not yet been sent.
Malware Scheduled Scan Pending (Offline)
The agent is offline. The instruction to start a scheduled Malware Scan will be sent when communication is reestablished.
Malware Scheduled Scan Queued
The instruction to cancel a scheduled Malware Scan is queued.
Quick Malware Scan Cancellation In Progress
A quick malware scan is being canceled.
Quick Malware Scan Cancellation Pending
An instruction to cancel a quick malware scan is queued to be sent.
Quick Malware Scan Cancellation Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. Server & Workload Protection will initiate the cancellation of a quick malware scan when communication is reestablished.
Quick Malware Scan In Progress
A quick malware scan is being performed.
Quick Malware Scan Paused
A quick malware scan has been paused.
Quick Malware Scan Pending
An instruction to start a quick malware scan is queued to be sent.
Quick Malware Scan Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. Server & Workload Protection will initiate a quick malware scan when communication is reestablished.
Quick Malware Scan Queued
The instruction to perform a quick malware scan is queued.
Removing Agent Software
The agent software is being removed from the computer.
Rollback of Component Update In Progress
A component update is being rolled back.
Rollback of Component Update Pending
An instruction to roll back a component update is queued to be sent.
Rollback of Component Update Pending (Heartbeat)
An instruction to roll back a component update will be sent from Server & Workload Protection during the next heartbeat.
Rollback of Component Update Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. Server & Workload Protection will initiate a rollback of the component update when communication is reestablished.
Scan for Recommendations Pending (Heartbeat)
Server & Workload Protection will initiate a recommendation scan at the next heartbeat.
Scan for Recommendations Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. Server & Workload Protection will initiate a recommendation scan when communication is reestablished.
Scanning for Open Ports
Server & Workload Protection is scanning the computer for open ports.
Scanning for Recommendations
A recommendation scan is underway.
Component Update In Progress
A component update is being performed.
Component Update Pending
An instruction to perform a component update is queued to be sent.
Component Update Pending (Heartbeat)
An instruction to perform a component update will be sent from Server & Workload Protection during the next heartbeat.
Component Update Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. Server & Workload Protection will initiate a component update when communication is reestablished.
Sending Policy
A policy is being sent to the computer.
Update of Configuration Pending (Heartbeat)
An instruction to update the configuration to match the policy changes will be sent from Server & Workload Protection during the next heartbeat.
Update of Configuration Pending (Offline)
The agent is currently offline. Server & Workload Protection will initiate the configuration update to match the policy changes when communication is reestablished.
Upgrading Software (In Progress)
A software upgrade is being performed.
Upgrading Software (Install Program Sent)
A software upgrade is being performed. The install program has been sent to the computer.
Upgrading Software (Pending)
An instruction to perform a software upgrade is queued to be sent.
Upgrading Software (Reboot to Complete Upgrade)
A software upgrade has been requested but will not be complete until the agent computer is rebooted. When the computer is in this state, it is still being protected by the older version of the agent.
Upgrading Software (Results Received)
A software upgrade is being performed. The results have been received.
Upgrading Software (Schedule)
A software upgrade will be performed once the computer's access schedule permits.

Computer errors

Communication error
General network error.
No route to computer
Typically the computer cannot be reached because of a firewall between Server & Workload Protection and the computer, or if a router between them is down.
Unable to resolve hostname
Unresolved socket address.
Activation required
An instruction was sent to the agent when it was not yet activated.
Unable to communicate with Agent
Unable to communicate with agent.
Protocol Error
Communication failure at the IP, TCP, or HTTP layer.
For example, if the Server & Workload Protection IPaddress is unreachable because the connection is being blocked by a firewall, router, or AWS security group, then it would cause a connection to fail. To resolve the error, verify that the activation port number is allowed and that a route exists.
Deactivation Required
The agent is currently activated by another Server & Workload Protection account or Deep Security Manager.
No Agent
No agent was detected on the target.
No valid software version
Indicates that no installer can be found for the platform and version requested.
Send software failed
There was an error in sending a binary package to the computer.
Internal error
Internal error. Please contact your support provider.
Duplicate Computer
Two computers in the Server & Workload Protection computers list share the same IP address.
Unresolved software change limit reached
Software changes detected on the file system exceeded the maximum amount. Application control will continue to enforce existing rules, but will not record any more changes, and it will stop displaying any of that computer's software changes.

Protection module status

When you hover over a computer name on the Computers page, the Preview icon (
) is displayed. Click the icon to display the state of the computer's protection modules.
On and Off States:
Module is configured in Server & Workload Protection and is installed and operating on the agent.
Module is either not configured in Server & Workload Protection, not installed and operating on the agent, or both.
Indicates an error with the protection modules.
Install state:
Not Installed
The software package containing the module has been downloaded in Server & Workload Protection, but the module has not been turned on in Server & Workload Protection or installed on the agent.
Installation Pending
Module is configured in Server & Workload Protection but is not installed on the agent.
Installation in Progress
Module is being installed on the agent.
Module is installed on the agent. This state is only displayed when the state of the module is "Off". (If the state is "On", the module has been installed on the agent.)
Local Plug-In In Use
Protection module is on and running properly using the module installed with a local package.
Matching Module Plug-In Not Found
The version of the software package containing the module in Server & Workload Protection does not match the version reported by the agent.
Not Supported/Update Not Supported
A matching software package was found on the agent, but it does not contain a module supported by the platform. "Not Supported" or "Update Not Supported" is displayed depending on whether there is already a version of this module installed on the agent.

Perform other actions on your computers

On the Computers page, the Actions button provides several actions that you can perform on the selected computers.
Check Status
Checks the status of a computer without performing a scan or activation attempt.
Activates or reactivates the agent on the computer. See Activate the agent
You may want to transfer control of a computer from one Deep Security Manager installation (or Server & Workload Protection) to another. If so, the agent has to be deactivated and then activated again by the new manager or Server & Workload Protection.
Assign Policy
Opens a window with a list that allows you to assign a policy to the computer. The name of the policy assigned to the computer will appear in the Policy column on the Computers page.
If you apply other settings to a computer (for example, adding additional Firewall Rules, or modifying Firewall Stateful Configuration settings), the name of the policy will be in bold, indicating that the default settings have been changed.
Send Policy
When you use Server & Workload Protection to change the configuration of an agent on a computer (apply a new intrusion prevention rule, change logging settings, etc.), Server & Workload Protection has to send the new information to the agent. This is a Send Policy instruction. Policy updates usually happen immediately but you can force an update by clicking Send Policy.
Download Component Update
Downloads the latest component update from the configured relay to the agent. See Apply component updates.
Rollback Component Update
Rolls back the latest component update for the agent.
Get Events
Override the normal event retrieval schedule (usually every heartbeat) and retrieve the event logs from the computer(s) now.
Clear Warnings/Errors
Use this command to clear all warnings and errors for the computer. This command is useful in these situations:
  • If the agent for the computer has been reset locally
  • If the computer has been removed from the network before you had a chance to deactivate or delete it from the list of computers
Upgrade Agent Software
Scan for Recommendations
Server & Workload Protection can scan computers and then make recommendations for Security Rules. The results of a recommendation scan appear in the computer's Details window in the Rules pages. See recommendation scans.
Clear Recommendations
Clears rule recommendations resulting from a recommendation scan on this computer. Clearing also removes the computer from those listed in an alert produced as a result of a recommendation scan.
This action will not un-assign any rules that were assigned because of past recommendations.
Full Scan for Malware
Performs a full malware scan on the selected computers. The actions taken by a full scan depend on the Malware Manual Scan Configuration in effect on this computer. See Malware Scan Configurations.
Quick Scan for Malware
Scans critical system areas for currently active threats. Quick Scan looks for currently-active malware but does not perform deep file scans to look for dormant or stored infected files. On larger drives, Quick Scan is significantly faster than a Full Scan.
Quick Scan is only available on-demand. You cannot schedule a Quick Scan as part of a scheduled task.
Scan for Open Ports
Performs a port scan on all selected computers and checks the agent installed on the computer to determine whether its state is either Deactivation Required, Activation Required, Agent Reactivate Required, or Online. The scan operation, by default, scans ports 1-1024. This range can be changed in Computer or Policy editor > Settings > General.
The agent's listening port number for heartbeats is always scanned regardless of port range settings. When Server & Workload Protection connects to communicate with the agent, it uses that port number. If communication direction is set to "Agent/Appliance Initiated" for a computer (Computer or Policy editor > Settings > General > Communication Direction), however, that port number will not be open.
New computers on the network will not be detected. To find new computers, use the Discover tool.
Cancel Currently Executing Port Scans
If you have initiated a set of port scans to a large number of computers or over a large range of ports and the scan is taking too long, use the Cancel Currently Executing Port Scans option to cancel the scans.
Scan for integrity
Integrity Monitoring tracks changes to a computer's system and files. It does by creating a baseline and then performing periodic scans to compare the current state of the computer to the baseline. For more information see Set up Integrity Monitoring.
Rebuild Integrity Baseline
Rebuilds a baseline for Integrity Monitoring on this computer.
Assign Asset Value
Asset values allow you to sort computers and events by importance. The various security rules have a severity value. When rules are triggered on a computer, the severity values of the rules are multiplied by the asset value of the computer. This value is used to rank events in order of importance. See Rank events to quantify their importance.
Assign a Relay Group
To select a relay group for this computer to download updates from, right-click the computer and choose Actions > Assign a Relay Group.
Install Trend Vision One Endpoint Security Agent

Computers icons

  • servers=c88f7313-2774-403b-a9fa-755b1c77ab1d.png
    Ordinary computer
  • relay_server=ee64af72-a190-4a0a-b332-0bd1bcea02e9.png
    Relay (a computer with a relay-enabled agent)
  • server_scanner=04828025-7b59-4be1-ade9-a3a23600bf6d.png
    Scanner (a computer with a Scanner-enabled agent)
  • docker_server=80fc87e4-81e5-421a-a9a5-60134494bbd7.png
    Docker host (physical computer)
  • vm_azure_docker=eb1774b3-8c50-4619-b18a-2699ceee9d8b.png
    Azure virtual machine with Docker
  • vm_ec2_docker=1e085dcf-63a9-4328-9e2b-027ba1b67df1.png
    Amazon EC2 with Docker
  • vm_azure_scanner=3cb7b93a-4e1f-4ea5-886c-1f8bf854d738.png
    Azure virtual machine with Scanner
  • vm_azure_scanner_started=b81f9b4b-8139-4b3e-b7e9-9f9d005f2f3d.png
    Azure virtual machine with Scanner (started)
  • vm_azure_scanner_stopped=2ab2912c-47ff-47f7-9628-4db7d7178026.png
    Azure virtual machine with Scanner (stopped)
  • vm_azure_scanner_suspended=0aa9f3a5-3304-4781-88ca-2e727c2f9a5d.png
    Azure virtual machine with Scanner (suspended)
  • vm_ec2_scanner=d060cd32-6044-41de-8a9c-47718ce5d2e0.png
    Amazon EC2 with Scanner
  • vm_ec2_scanner_started=e029f19f-bce3-4fe8-a2f7-b4edf5ee8037.png
    Amazon EC2 with Scanner (started)
  • vm_ec2_scanner_stopped=394ced84-731e-409e-a4fb-3d21a965768c.png
    Amazon EC2 with Scanner (stopped)
  • vm_ec2_scanner_suspended=ba53dc3a-095c-4198-8106-3922e1c13b78.png
    Amazon EC2 with Scanner (suspended)
  • vm_workspace_started=e776724d-7bd9-420a-924f-4752294fdcd9.png
    Amazon WorkSpace (started)

Status information for different types of computers

The circular icon indicates the overall status for the agent or the module:
  • Green: No issues
  • Yellow: An issue has been found
  • Red: A critical issue has been found
  • Gray: Unable to find or to check for issues. It may be that a module has been turned off, or that even though the module has been turned on, there are no rules associated with the module and the module cannot report any result.

Ordinary computer

The preview pane for an ordinary computer displays the presence of an agent, it status, and the status of the protection modules.


The preview pane for a relay-enabled agent displays its status, the number of component update components it has available for distribution, and the status of the protection modules provided by its embedded agent.


The preview pane for a Scanner displays the presence of an agent, its status, the status of the protection modules, and the scanner status (SAP).

Docker hosts

The preview pane for a Docker host displays the presence of an agent and its status, the status of the protection modules, and the Docker status.