
Implement compliance policies that determine what characterizes a compliant device in your environment.

A compliance policy consists of a set of highly customizable rules and settings that devices must meet to be considered compliant. You can create multiple compliance policies, each with different criteria, different actions, or different device group targets. The device is marked as “Noncompliant” if it fails to meet any settings of any applied compliance policies. You can perform actions based on their compliance status.
Compliance polices are supported on Android and iOS/iPadOS devices. Devices without a compliance policy are considered as Noncompliant.
The following table outlines the actions available on the Mobile Compliance Policies screen (Mobile SecurityMobile Compliance Policies).
Switch between policies for Android and iOS/iPadOS
Select Android or iOS/iPadOS from the Operating system drop-down list to manage policies for Android and iOS/iPadOS.
Create a policy
Click Create and configure policy details.
For more information, see Configuring mobile compliance policies.
Edit a policy
Click a policy name to modify policy details such as the policy name, policy description, compliance settings, actions for noncompliance, and policy targets.
For more information, see Configuring mobile policies.
Replicate a policy
Select a policy and click the replicate icon (replicate_icon=8aacc6e9-86d5-44a4-9e6c-be3b94a748c2.jpg).
All settings of the selected policy (excluding targets) are reused in the new policy.
Delete policies
Click the delete icon (delete_policy=cce60f96-0e5c-4565-895f-d648c42e8495.jpg) corresponding to a policy, or select one or more policies and click Delete.
Filter devices compliant with the policy
In the Compliant column, click the number to see a list of devices that are compliant with the policy.
To view these devices in Mobile Inventory, click View in Mobile Inventory.
Filter devices noncompliant with the policy
In the Noncompliant column, click the number to see a list of devices that are noncompliant with the policy.
To view these devices in Mobile Inventory, click View in Mobile Inventory.
Filter devices undergoing policy evaluation
In the Evaluating column, click the number to see a list of devices that are undergoing compliance evaluation based on the policy.
To view these devices in Mobile Inventory, click View in Mobile Inventory.
Refresh policy data
Click the refresh icon (Refresh_icon=20220823083939.png) in the upper-right corner to display the latest policy data.